- Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- Tashia and John Morgridge Endowed Faculty Scholar in Pediatric Translational Medicine, MCHRI
- Member, Bio-X
- Member, Child Health Research Institute
- Member, Stanford Neurosciences Institute
- Member, Stanford Biophysics Program
- Member, Stanford Biomedical Informatics Program
- Bio-design Faculty Fellow (2017)
- Faculty, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school)
I am a computational neuroscientist who is trained in machine learning, neuroscience and psychiatry. The overarching goal of my research is to develop reliable computational methods that will allow for characterizing and modeling temporal dynamics of brain activity, without averaging data in either space or time. I firmly believe that the spatiotemporal richness in brain activity might hold the key to finding the person- and disorder-centric biomarkers. Currently, funded by a New Innovator Award (DP2; NIH) and a NIH R01, we are developing methods to model the temporal dynamics of brain activity in individuals with psychiatric disorders and healthy controls.
I received my bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of Information Technology (Allahabad) and my Masters and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, advised by Risto Miikkulainen and Clifford Saron. Following my PhD, I did my Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Stanford University School of Medicine, mentored by Allan Reiss.